Friday, November 27, 2015

The Chicken Coop – Final

Welcome back to the final posting for the Chicken Coop project. I know it has been a while since I have updated my blog on the Chicken Coop progress but I have it all here now and I think you will be happy.
When last we met I had finished the tar paper around the entire coop helping to reduce water/rain/moisture etc. from getting inside. Now we move to finishing the outside.
In this picture I have completed the shingles on all four sides. After a brief design session with my Dad, I decided to add white moulding on the vertical corners of the coop that you will see later.
We do intend to paint the shingles so don’t think you are seeing anything close to the finished product yet.
After returning from a week long cruise to Alaska with Jess’s family, we found our birds considerably larger than we left them and definitely too big for the box in the garage they were living in.
I decided to expedite the interior of the coop so we could move them in as soon as possible. The first step was to line the bottom with marmoleum, which is basically a non-toxic version of vinyl. This essentially created a waterproof “bath tub” which will allow us to hose it out every few months for a full cleaning.
I built these laddered perches to give them some options for their sleeping arrangements. I have added the wood shavings and have their new water and food containers all ready to go. Time to move them in!
Back to the exterior. We finished painting the front wall so my daughter and I installed the chicken door to get an idea how it will look with all the different colors.
I added the moulding around the corrugated roof of the nests. This is designed to be lifted up whenever we want to check for or gather eggs so we don’t have to actually send Abby into the coop for them.
The metal corrugated roof is very sharp (I won’t post a picture of my scar) so I knew I wanted to cover the edge. This way allows water to still drain under the moulding and run off to the ground. I will be doing the same thing with the roof line as those corners are right at my eye level.
Time to work on the accessories. I have eight windows that each need two shutters. Using a template on my miter saw and my air compressor and nail gun, I was able to put these together in no time.
To begin with, the shutters will not be functional because the hinges we wanted would have cost us about $150 for all the windows. Eventually I may convert them over but for now the hinges will be decorative and on the front wall only.
It’s time to think about the chicken run, the enclosed “yard” I have planned attached to the coop. And what does every respectable yard need? A white picket fence, of course.
My father-in-law “procured” some pallets which he made quick work of with his circular saw. I ran the boards through my table saw at 3″ to get them all the same width, squared off one end with my miter saw, cut them all to 15″, then gave each a couple quick 45 degree cuts for the fence board look. Then I got to paint them all.
Here are 69 boards total which were in the original design. A last minute design change reduced the amount needed to about 45 and looks much better.
Tada! And there you have it in all it’s glory. This gorgeous chicken coop has lots of natural light, brand new wood shaving flooring, beautiful black metal accessories, is close to several bus routes and in a great school district.
As good as my iPhone camera is, I decided to bring in a professional photographer for the finished product pictures. Thank you to Jessica Peterson at One Tree Photography.
From this angle you see the front and nest sides, and the chicken door and ramp down into the run
This is from the other side where you see the larger “living room” window and people door. When I say people I mean Abby or Wally. I’m not getting in there.
And don’t ask me where Jess found the black metal star flower holder but it is perfect.
A closeup of the fine craftsmanship and design.
Hey Wallyman, what do you see through the fence?

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